Home Tips, Selling Your Home

It’s The Case Of Dark Trim vs White Trim


When placing your home on the market, it’s important to remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  While you remember lovingly painting your kitchen walls with Seawashed Glass green, it may not suit every potential buyer when placing your home on the market.  However bland it may come across, real estate experts encourage you to mute any loud colors that may appear as unappealing.  You always hear that a paint is an easy cosmetic fix but not so fast.  It’s interesting to see how a color is perceived and who actually makes an offer.
In a recent home sale, the owner placed the home on the market with the dark trim.  People who were NOT currently in the market looking for a new home found the dark trim to “attractive” and “showcased the home well”.  However, potential homebuyers were not sold on the dark trim.  It became the hindering point of offers.  At the guidance of their real estate agent, they painted the trims white.  Not only did they receive more offers, they received ones above the purchase price.
Lesson learned: One of the most important components to effectively selling your home is making it appealing to potential buyers.  Consult a real estate expert like myself to help get your home ready to showcase.




Selling Your Home, Valley of the Sun Communities

4 Tips to Selling Your Home Quickly!

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to sell your home on a timeline, it’s important to have a plan of action in place.  While it can be a stressful scenario, it’s not impossible to make the sale of your home happen without pulling your hair out.  Let’s start by saying that the current market is the best time to be a seller.  Current data from the National Association of Realtors reports that 52% of homes have recently sold less than a month of being placed on the market.  The Valley of the Sun real estate market is reflecting the same trend.
blog picMarket the Positive- This is an important tip regardless of the timeline of your home. But when you are assessing your home, take notes of the best features.  If it’s an amazing view of your huge backyard, make sure you have your windows cleaned and open so that it’s an instant draw to potential clients.  If you have a huge living room, make sure that you are staging your furniture to highlight the grandness of the space.  In this market, homes that were properly staged before listing sold in an average of 23 days based on finding by the Real Estate Staging Association.  If you don’t have a friend or family member with a staging eye, hire a professional who will help showcase your home.  As a listing agent, I am happy to recommend ideas that will help you sell.

Professional Photos- Have you ever clicked on a listing only to find photos that could have been made from a smartphone?  This is bad marketing strategy.  If you have lead a potentially interested buyer to look more at your listing, you certainly want to make sure that you appeal them enough to schedule a showing with professional photos of your home.  Hire a professional who has an eye for drawing in buyers.  Pay attention to lighting and make sure that your home is ready to shine for photographs!

Fair Price- If you are in a time crunch to sell and move on, then marketing your home for a fair price is key.  You can’t consider factors such as the original home price or your mortgage balance.  The bottom line is that your home is worth what buyers will pay. High prices will push buyers away but keep in mind that you will want to place the sticker price on receiving a couple of offers to meet you in the middle on offers.  Hire a trustworthy agent that will help you set a competitive price based on recent local home sales.  Knowing the market and key strategy are imperative in this market.

Competitive Agent- This is the time when you have permission not to use a friend who is a real estate agent on the side.  You will need an agent who promotes your listing and skillfully markets your home.  A good agent will sit down with you to develop a plan to successfully sell your home.  They know how to attract the best buyers by highlighting your home’s features to the right area.  They also know the market area like the back of their hand.

As an Arizona Native, I am happy to place buyers into the home of their dreams. When it is time to sell, I can successfully get the maximum amount of money with… a seamless transaction for the seller. Achieving great results has been my success – call me today so that I can help you. 480-466-8193.

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Valley of the Sun Communities

The History of the Lehi Mesa Community

Lehi is an old-established community founded within the city of Mesa in 1876. It actually dates back before Mesa was even existed by Mormon settlers who were sent to establish their faith in Arizona. Their mission was to connect churches from Salt Lake City to Mexico. Under the leadership of Daniel Young, the area was under attack by the Apache Indians. The settlers built a fort as a place of refuge. As the area grew, this community became incorporated. While the fort no longer exists, a marker has been erected from the main church to commemorate the once-standing construction.
This area is a quiet neighborhood that holds so much history.


A Reflection on Father’s Day

Fathers are so special in our world. Their work is varied – they are the protectors, the providers, and the heavy when it comes to discipline.  Obviously, all families are very different and to do not follow this model.  These may even be stereotypes back to the 60’s.  In my ideal mind and world this is how I define the role.

I thought much about Father’s Day this year. Partly because my father is getting older and partly because I am divorced and do not have that traditional family.  I would like to dwell on positive aspects so I will describe how I feel about my father.  I remember in high school writing a paper on my dad.  We had to write a paper on “who we admired”.  People picked either the President or Jesus.  I picked my dad.

My dad has always been strength in my life. He has always believed in me while simultaneously always keeping me on the correct path.  He ran his life and his business with the highest of integrity and scruples.  Although it is my goal daily, I feel as I do not do half as well as he does.  He continues to always do what is always correct – no matter what the consequence is.  I look at the love and care that he gave me when I was going through my divorce.  He took time off work (along with my mom) to care for me during two major surgeries that I had during my divorce.  With a saint like heart he helped organize my clutter, took care of my children, helped with my dog, and drove me wherever I needed (doctors, hospital, physical therapy, drug store).  I remember him in the early years as always really enjoying my sister and I as we grew up.  His love and principal attitude never waived. He stood by me during my divorce always. My ex and I were under IRS investigation and he was always by my side (along with 6 other lawyers that I had to hire). Without his support, I am not sure how I would have endured all of that I survived.  Four years later, he continues to help me with my home (hang pictures, take care of my dog) with no complaints at all.

As a father, he always knew that the family unit is a sacred gift from God. Putting this on the highest priority allowed all other things to flow underneath.  Things were not always perfect, but they were always in a very God like manner.  He never used my sister and I as companions, he always knew we were his children.  His never-ending love showed in his strength to be a constant support and guide always.  I can say that I attempt to do this – but it is a skill that I have not yet mastered.  I tire with the everyday challenges that I deal with; I sometimes just do the best I can rather than fight hard to discipline my children to groom them to their best.  My father never put wedges in between anyone in our family.  He always supported and promoted cohesiveness.

As I reflect on the issues that our country is facing I cannot help to think that these principles that we need in our country need to start in our families. If there is disrespect in our families, it will be in our country.  If there is selfishness allowed in our families, it will reflect in our country.  Our homes and families are the areas that need change if we want change in our world.  The core of our values begins in the home.  Discipline, respect, empathy, and consequence for behavior are core for our homes.  This will then be able to go and transfer into the world.  Our culture expects the schools to train our children.  That will not work and is a failure for leadership and value (but that is another topic for later).

I am grateful for the high standards that I learned from my father. I am grateful for my father trying to bestow the high standards to my children.  Just having the blessing of being exposed to high Godly standards is amazing to me.  My current focus is to focus on the current now.  I am taking the knowledge that I must impart on my children a path toward their salvation.  The challenges are there as they have been brain washed against my being and intentions.  Thankfully I have been blessed with the skills and knowledge on focusing on the current time and the current ability to influence what I can influence. The circumstances that I have been dealt are unfortunate, but they will not halt my efforts.  Just as my father always had the strength and knowledge to impart his gifts to our family, I have the same to impart to my family.  I will persevere with the Godly strength no matter what is dealt my way.

I am wishing all fathers a blessed Father’s Day. Being a father is an amazing gift.  Enjoy and continue to do what you are called to do.



Home Tips, Real Estate, Selling Your Home

5 Important Reasons To Put Your Home On The Market This Summer

Summer is here!  In most regions of the country, summer is the best time of year to sell your home.  This season makes for an easier transition between school years and people are more interested in looking for new places.  But let’s talk about the other reasons that you should put your home on the market now.

1.)  Demand is great.   The latest edition of Buyer Traffic Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reflects that buyer demand prominent throughout every region. This means that there are buyers out there that are ready and prepared to purchase right now in the marketplace.  In many circumstances, if you have a well-kept home in a desirable community, you may find that multiple potential buyers will make attractive offers for your home.  In other words, it’s important to take advantage of this competitive buyer activity now.

2.) Lowered Housing Inventory– Unless you are keeping up with real estate trends, what this means is we are currently under the 6-months needed for normal housing market.  There are simply not enough homes for sale to accommodate the number of buyers looking for a new home.  Sellers have the advantage in this current market. However, we have a hit a high market for increased equity in 11 years so it’s important to target the sale of your home during this time.  New construction will increase as 2017 closes out so make sure that your home is in mint condition for potential sellers that rivals new homes.

3.) Quick Processes- When a buyer finds the home of their dreams, there are little things more frustrating than a slow process to move in.  As the economic market begins to gain momentum, banks will be inundated with new loans that it has the potential to stretch out closings for longer than anticipated.  However, selling now will make this process quicker and more efficient which will get you to the closing table sooner than waiting.

4.) The Perfect Time for More Space– If one of the reasons you are considering a move includes more house, then it’s important to know that prices are anticipated to appreciate by 4.9% over the next year based on finding by CoreLogic. A higher-priced this year will increase more in raw dollars (both in down payment and mortgage payment) than if you wait until next summer.  While rates are expected to increase in the next 12 months, it’s important to look into your options of locking in 30-year housing expense with current interest rates around 4%.

5.)  New Chapters–  Many people avoid drastic life changes.  But change can be good.  If you are looking for more space, a job in a new city, or want to retire to less space, you can make this happen in the current market regardless of the reason.  Think about the reasons you want to sell and begin a new chapter.  The selling market is yours.

One of the most rewarding things about my job as a real estate agent is making my clients’ dreams come true.  I love when they find the home that is just right for them.  I also love when I guide them through the process of selling their current home so they can move on to the next one.  Let’s talk about the next step in making your dreams happen.

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5 Creative Ways to Save for a Down Payment

down payment
1. Get Others to Help Fund Your Dream Home

This tip sounds a little strange but hear us out.  Many couples get married with an apartment full of appliances and furniture and all they REALLY want is a house to put all it all in.  Insert unique registries that allow wedding guests to give money towards the down payment of your home!  Sites like Feather the Nest are great ways to use monetary gifts towards your first home.

2. Negotiate with Seller Concessions

Seller concessions are a route to get a closing to happen quickly.  Sellers can front more money for closing costs which will result in money to put toward a down payment.   A request such as this can be guided through an experienced real estate agent such as myself to help with the negotiation process.  Of course, there are limits on concession based on the mortgage type but it’s certainly an avenue that will help place more money in the buyer’s hands as a deposit.

3. Look into Government Options

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, offers host  of homeownership programs, including assistance with down payment and closing costs. These programs are typically targeted toward potential homebuyers who meet specific income or location requirements. HUD provides a list of links by state that direct you to the appropriate page for information about your state.  Your profession could also be a benefit when exploring options for financing such as law enforcement, firefighter, teacher, or EMT under the

Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program for a 50% discount on a house’s HUD-appraised value in “revitalization areas.”  Veterans can looks in the option of a VA loan that will back part of a home loan through commercial lenders. Many times, no down payment or private mortgate insurance is needed but the program is designed to help our veterans secure a competitive interest rate.

4. Lean Into Employee Benefits

Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) programs assist low- to moderate-income workers with down payment assistance through their employer. In some states, a participating EAH employer will assist you with applying for a loan of up to $8,000 for down payment and closing cost assistance. The loan is interest-free and borrowers have 10 years to pay it off.

5. Take Advantage of Special Lender Programs

Small down payment?  No problem.  There are several lenders that specialize in home seekers but have small deposits to offer.  Many people believe that 20% is the minimum down payment.  Not sure.  Check into programs that require a total of 3% or 3.5% down.  However, it is important to consider upfront and monthly mortgage insurance payments, too.

Check into regional banks to see if they offer specific programs tailored to your down payments.
Research is always key to home buying whether it is your first home or your 10th!  You may find that chasing after the American dream isn’t as daunting as it sounds.

Let me know how I can help you in this process!  I am connected with many great lenders that can help you financing the home of your dreams and get you to where you want to be.  Call or text me at 480-466-8193.  

Home Tips, Lifestyle, Real Estate

Five Remodeling Trend That Are Happening Now…..

Mashing Up Styles
Mashing up different styles adds a unique look to what would be an ordinary room.  Too many patterns may be too much but think of mixing a white wall with brightly patterned pillSouthwestern-Mid-Century-Mashup8ows and an eccentric lamp to suit your taste.  Textured fabrics are a must.

The Connected Home
We can all agree that we live in a technology world.  If you fall too far behind, it’s hard to catch up.  But imagine living in a home that connects all your devices togethers to become more efficient.  Look for options that accelerate your flexibility, convenience, and affordability such as linking your fridge when you are low on milk or a iphone reminder that your carbon dioxide detectors batteries need to be replaced.  How cool is that?


Becoming Eco-Friendly and Energy-Efficient
Not only is an eco-friendly home a more efficient way to live, it’s fastly becoming trendy.  Construction of new homes are now using low-impact waste materials such as bamboo and wood to create beautiful earthy spaces.  Steel recycling material and concrete are becoming more popular energy-efficient ways to insulate homes as well.  Upgrading your home in different ways will save you money in the long-run.

Metal Accents
We’ve said it before, metal is HUGE now!  Accenting metal pieces adds a focus element especially when blended with wood to add texture.  Very trend forward, people!

Open Kitchens
Kitchens are truly the new living rooms.  They have become the place to gather, eat over a feast, have conversations, and connect with your family and friend.  New constructions are influenced by open kitchens that allow space and convenience. If you are trying to narrow down which room is most important to renovate, we highly suggest this space!

open kitchen
For more home trend ideas, follow me on my blog at: https://erinnewmanfinehomes.wordpress.com/
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Home Tips, Real Estate

Spring-Ready Your Home!

The enjoyable days of winter are dwindling to an end.  It’s time to do some spring clean-up before the desert heat sets in!  In order to make your home efficient and keep your utility bills down, here are a few things to make sure your home is running the way it should:
spring home

Clean Those Dirty Gutters!  
Debris and water can collect in your gutters and create a host of headaches (wood rot and foundation damage to name a few) if you aren’t paying attention!  If you’re a little iff-y about climbing onto the roof yourself, hire a professional to clean every six months.

De-Bug and De-Pest
Terminates and other insect can wreck havoc on a home.  Hire an exterminator (if the problem is mild, bug bombs can also do the trick) to thoroughly inspect your home for problem.

Check the Roof
Your roof is literally what hangs over your family’s head every night.  Make sure it’s in proper order to make sure there are no missing shingles, loose pipes, or cracks.  Similar to the gutters, if you don’t feel comfortable checking out the scenarios yourself, hire a pro.  Preventive roof work is a must for good home maintenance!

Get A/C Tune Up
If you have ever had your A/C unit give out on you in the heat of summer, you know how expensive it can be to get it serviced or replace the entire thing!  You may want to invest in a good A/C maintenance package that includes condenser and blower unit cleaning, coolant level check and refill, electrical connection securing, duct work inspection, and temperature difference measurement between supply and return.  It may save you lots of money in the long run!

Change A/C Filters
A clean system will help preserve the life of your unit and keep your utility bills in check. Set reminders to change them out every two months.

Check Irrigation System
If you have ever had a busted pipe, you know how you dread the next water bill! Irrigation lines are apt to deteriorate in extreme heat, which may result in broken pipes. Make sure your system is running through the proper channels and watering your lawn (and not the street!).

For more home ideas and real estate advice, follow my blog!

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